Saturday, August 30, 2008

I often wondered...

I often wondered why I felt my life incomplete -
Until I met you.

You stepped into my life like a ray of light,
For my world that was enveloped in darkness.

You took time to explain me the meaning of life,
You taught me ways to overcome strife,
You offered me your shoulder to rest on,
You became somebody I could depend upon.

I can never forget your sense of devotion,
Your relentless endeavors to set me back in motion,
You helped me smile when times where blue,
With you besides me. I knew I could sail through,

And, so today-
I would take this time, to let you know,
That you have influenced me in so may ways,
That it simply cannot be expressed through any says.
For all that you have done, I'm indebted to you,
For all that you endeavored, I'm grateful to you.

Be there for me ever my friend, for it is true,
That my life will never be the same without YOU.

I fall short of words to express my feelings for you,
I wish all the happiness in the world for you,
And, I pray LORD grant HIS deepest blessing to you.


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