Saturday, November 17, 2018


She was crazy
She was funny
She was emotional
She was badass
She was calm
She was chaos
She was unexplainable
she was all that she was
and all that she was not!

She was poetry in a world
that was striving
to learn the syllabary.

Friday, September 28, 2018


she smiled
when all she wanted
to do was cry
she felt the storm
that was raging on her inside
years of pent-up emotions
that were stifled-in
had become fluid
and were overflowing
this surge, this force
emptied her of all feelings
and, she let it be
it was TIME
to discard all pretences
inhibitions, negativity
that weighed her down
and let the white LIGHT
with it's serene halo
seep in, envelop and protect her
in her journey from hereon...

Saturday, June 23, 2018

By Faith

by faith, I believe
that faith is choosing to believe
that the journey of life is meant to be, the way it is

by faith, I believe
that eventually things will fall in place
that there is HOPE always and this truth cannot be displaced

by faith, I believe
that when life's valleys seem mired and dark
there will be a conduit out there that will take me out

by faith, I believe
that I am not alone
that there is an angel up there watching my every move

by faith, I believe
that when the time is ripe
the Universe will conspire to reveal what is right

by faith, I believe
that it is in faith  that I have to BELIEVE
to move on in Life

Friday, June 15, 2018


a soul, seeking
hoping and yearning

a heart, longing for
love and peace

a traveler, in quest of
untread paths and fresh air

a seeker, pursuing
answers and light

she was beautifully out of place
she was magically blended in it

she was sometimes that
she was sometimes this

a palpable spirit who danced in abandon
filled with simplicity n' bliss!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Stringing the Unstrung

a chance look at
an unending stream
gushing into an ocean
awakened her
from the dormancy
she had become
so accustomed to

the wind on her skin
the smell of the ether
the sound of the waves
incited her to create
her own music
by stringing together
the strings, unstrung