Thursday, May 26, 2022

Belonging to Eternity

all our lives
we are made to believe
that we must live
to earn the goodwill
during our lifetime on earth
for the heavenly
afterlife experience
but it is not how it is
for there exists no time
there is only eternity, and
we are one soul changing forms
in the transient extraction
of timelessness
a combined amalgamation
of mass and energy
with an ad interim memory
moving with the universe
along with it's ever changing paradigms

we exist in the now, and
we exist in the then too!

Monday, May 16, 2022

Ignis Aurum Probat

here and there, in reality and dreams
lay her life, pristine and threadbare
altering with the seasons of time
as she moved on time after time after time

the eloquence of her simplicity
stood out amidst the guiled masks
masquerading everywhere
undeterred she remained
as she paved through
the complexities, trials and
tribulations that inquisitioned
her fortitude in her quest
she kept combing through the labyrinth
through signs known and unknown
to seek the eternal truth
her endurance absolute

Ignis aurum probat
refined after being tested in fire
her sacred sanctity unscathed
she radiated her inner purified light