Friday, November 29, 2019

The Game Is Set...

a ravaged heart
beautiful and violent
engulfed in a raging fire
pining, craving and longing
for her elegy to be heard
but there is no one around

the game is set, but
she is not ready...

she has to fight
the fears gripping her
the demons tormenting her
weave the torn fabric 
heal the scalds, while 
letting the scars be

the game is set, now
she is poised...

to take controls
fortified with faith
armed with hope
her heart is ready
ready to blossom
ready to fly
ready to face 
the challenges of life

the game is set, and 
so is she

Monday, July 22, 2019

Alis Volat Propriis

captivity was not meant for her
she was meant to fly
and, she did...

spreading her injured wings with pride
she took flight
to soar to the zenith
to touch the cerulean sky
to float amidst the clouds
to dance amongst the stars
to travel to the horizon, and
creating a trajectory of her own

releasing herself from all earthly binds
setting free her insecurities
she breathed her freedom
alis volat propriis 
she flew with her own wings!

Saturday, June 29, 2019


adding colors and character
to the benevolent sky
the clouds float together
forming an isle
the storm
the lightening
in their magnificent ire
usher in gusts of wind
along with the thunder
first come the cool breeze
then the petrichor
and, finally the outburst
an antidote
to every parched soul
the beautiful rains
are a frenzied delight
where the spirits
are showered, and
feelings sensitized...

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Tabula Rasa

Memories vivid yet distant
of how colors turned gray
in the contours
of her convoluted mind
over the years
it seemed like
there could be nothing more
to the black hole like darkness
that was shrouding her vision
gripping her imagery
she sat there lost
in the qualms
of her fragmented life


She could not
let this continue
it had to stop
for she was breathing
she was alive, and
deep within she knew
it was temporal
she had to move on
in life


She woke up one day
set her slate clean
like the tabula rasa, and
edged forward
propelled with hope
towards the horizon
ready to create
new imprints
of the rest of her life

Friday, January 25, 2019


her wanderlust
epitomized freedom
as free as
the flowing water
of the river
that had no start
and no end
such was her wildness
that she held no fear
and basked in her own light
in communion
with the Universe
belonging only to herself