Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Calling!

where there is zenith
there is also the nadir
where there is sunshine
there is also the sunset
where there is happiness
there is also the sorrow
such are the vagaries of life

whether it is
yin or yang
you have to
accept it, and
face it

whether you
put on a mask, or
deal with it as-is
the choice is yours

stop not
move on
without any restraints
for it is only in the journey
that the calling will be found

Monday, November 14, 2022


nothing is more painful
than being stuck
where you don't belong

when you realize this factuality
do not be the only obstacle
standing in your own way


Wednesday, November 2, 2022


we often fixate
wanting and desiring
what is not
instead of appreciating
what is
the present is beautiful
perfect the way it should be
the little things
the little moments
they aren't little
they have been
meaningfully birthed
live them fully

unseen, yet there
lies our destiny bare
devoid of any control
in an inherent order
incredulous as it may seem
embrace it effortlessly
for what is meant to be
will always find its way
