Saturday, January 22, 2022


years of muted suffering
had quelled her integrity, and
smothered her peace of mind
she dreaded losing out on relations
she feared the consequences
so she did what she thought
was the inevitable
and yielded to the circumstances
till an awakening call from within
in the quietness of the nights
questioned her of her being
and existing life
was this who she wanted to be
could she identify with her identity
it took her long
to come up with the answer
it was a decisive NO
she mustered every ounce
of the courage left within her
to stand-up and say
ENOUGH. I will tolerate no more.

... and, thus she blossomed from within

Friday, January 14, 2022

Finding Ground

she was tired of the unending trials
she could not take it anymore
she felt she was done
her eyes had no tears left
they had run dry
she yielded


she needed to remind herself
that she was there for her
she did not have to give up
she could do it once more, and
all that was needed
was to take a deep breath, and
then the plunge


while she found her wings
she also found her ground

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Black O' White

a tabula rasa canvas
of pure white
heralding new beginnings
gets interspersed
with stark silhouettes
drawn in black
as we move on
with the rhythm of life

while white reflects fullness
black reflects emptiness
both exemplify the extremes
of the dispersion of colors
as they move through the prism
in tandem with the path
we traverse from life to death
tracing the contours of our breath