where there is zenith
there is also the nadir
where there is sunshine
there is also the sunset
where there is happiness
there is also the sorrow
such are the vagaries of life
whether it is
yin or yang
you have to
accept it, and
face it
whether you
put on a mask, or
deal with it as-is
the choice is yours
stop not
move on
without any restraints
for it is only in the journey
that the calling will be found
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
The Calling!
Monday, November 14, 2022
nothing is more painful
than being stuck
where you don't belong
when you realize this factuality
do not be the only obstacle
standing in your own way
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
we often fixate
wanting and desiring
what is not
instead of appreciating
what is
the present is beautiful
perfect the way it should be
the little things
the little moments
they aren't little
they have been
meaningfully birthed
live them fully
unseen, yet there
lies our destiny bare
devoid of any control
in an inherent order
incredulous as it may seem
embrace it effortlessly
for what is meant to be
will always find its way
Saturday, October 8, 2022
in a state of immanence
oscillating between
transcendence, and
there are some realizations
that you can never own
just like the void
of nothingness
Saturday, September 24, 2022
she needed no warrant for her being
she believed in herself
a meanderer
a journeyer
with an unchained soul
she belonged to
no man, or
she embraced her madness, and
felt free in her wildness
she was a universe
of potpourri
badass was she
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
not long ago, on a dark night
when the winds breathed wild
I had a momentary escapade
from my onerous life
my misty mind wandered
in a soft floating train
on a timeless journey
of the vast domain
O! what a vision it held for me
it was blissful enchanting reverie
the brilliance of the suns
the luminous moons
the ethereal oceans
all had me swooned
the secrets of the universe
I was determined to find
till a deafening roar
awoke my conscious mind
in an inexorable sweep
the trajectory was blown
a mirage, it was
it could never be owned
Friday, September 9, 2022
When I go...
when it's time, and
I fly off
into the
prismatic yonder
do not cry for me here
for here is not
where I will be
I may blend-in
with the gaia, aurora
or briny sea
whatever be
my transcension
know that
I did not die
I just winged away
with palpable
unbridled mirth
and, joy
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Time Traveling...
time traveling
from birth to death
is an enchanting
and, expanding
the ever-changing
a sojourn
so profound
that the traveler
knows no bounds
Friday, July 22, 2022
here I am
and, there
over the moments of yonder
intersected in mind
that bring back memories
some making sense
some irrelevant
learnings, unlearnt
that were relearnt
as the journey
stumbled through
it's twists and turns
as new souls connected
and, loved ones died
emotions crocheted
into a beguiled mesh
creating a mystical story
of a heart and mind
that has bled with tears
blossomed in love, and
basked in the glory of the light
here I am
and, there...
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Belonging to Eternity
all our lives
we are made to believe
that we must live
to earn the goodwill
during our lifetime on
for the heavenly
afterlife experience
but it is not how it is
for there exists no time
there is only eternity, and
we are one soul changing
in the transient extraction
of timelessness
a combined amalgamation
of mass and energy
with an ad interim memory
moving with the universe
along with it's ever changing paradigms
we exist in the now, and
we exist in the then too!
Monday, May 16, 2022
Ignis Aurum Probat
here and there, in reality and dreams
lay her life, pristine and threadbare
altering with the seasons of time
as she moved on time after time after time
the eloquence of her simplicity
stood out amidst the guiled masks
masquerading everywhere
undeterred she remained
as she paved through
the complexities, trials and
tribulations that inquisitioned
her fortitude in her quest
she kept combing through the labyrinth
through signs known and unknown
to seek the eternal truth
her endurance absolute
Ignis aurum probat
refined after being tested in fire
her sacred sanctity unscathed
she radiated her inner purified light
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
That's life
birthed in love
tenderness raw
nourished with care
doted affection
innocent child
carefree adolescent
rebellious youth
cultivated adult
zoned out, and
from the trials
diminishing vigor
shrouded in obscurity
perilous health
flame extinguished
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
from time out of mind
auld lang syne
a song here
a picture there
a word spoken
a memory in motion
tugs it out
from the wedges
incised deeply
over the years
faded from seasons
threadbare sublime
detached diffident strains
Yet. Somehow. It remains.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
years of muted suffering
had quelled her integrity, and
smothered her peace of mind
she dreaded losing out on relations
she feared the consequences
so she did what she thought
was the inevitable
and yielded to the circumstances
till an awakening call from within
in the quietness of the nights
questioned her of her being
and existing life
was this who she wanted to be
could she identify with her identity
it took her long
to come up with the answer
it was a decisive NO
she mustered every ounce
of the courage left within her
to stand-up and say
ENOUGH. I will tolerate no more.
... and, thus she blossomed from within
Friday, January 14, 2022
Finding Ground
she was tired of the unending trials
she could not take it anymore
she felt she was done
her eyes had no tears left
they had run dry
she yielded
she needed to remind herself
that she was there for her
she did not have to give up
she could do it once more, and
all that was needed
was to take a deep breath, and
then the plunge
while she found her wings
she also found her ground
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Black O' White
a tabula rasa canvas
of pure white
heralding new beginnings
gets interspersed
with stark silhouettes
drawn in black
as we move on
with the rhythm of life
while white reflects fullness
black reflects emptiness
both exemplify the extremes
of the dispersion of colors
as they move through the prism
in tandem with the path
we traverse from life to death
tracing the contours of our breath