Thursday, October 17, 2024

Becoming Her

She wasn’t born knowing herself,
she uncovered her piece by piece,
on a road long and rough.

Each misstep revealed a truth,
each hardship, a key,
unlocking parts of her soul.

As the path twisted,
with trials to bear,
the deeper she ventured,
the more she became.

In every bruise and scar,
she found strength,
in every doubt, a spark.
The harsher the journey,
the more she emerged—
resilient, unwavering.

With every jagged mile,
she grew into herself,
until the woman she was meant to be
stood tall at the journey’s end.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Ratan Tata: A Legend’s Farewell

In quiet grace, you walked this earth,
A man of steel, yet filled with mirth.
No trumpet’s blare, no towering might,
But humble steps in morning light.

A gentle heart, a steady hand,
You built an empire, healed the land.
You led with care, your path was clear,
In every action, you drew near.

"Thank you for thinking of me," you spoke,
As love and legacy awoke.
No final crown, no victory cry,
But a gratitude to all, whispered to the sky.

And though you've gone, your spirit stays,
In hearts that beat through endless days.
For legends live beyond their time,
In every soul, in every rhyme.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

An End

In life, one truth we cannot bend,
Death—the certain, final end.
A sudden jolt, a bitter sting,
When news of loss begins to ring.

A life well-lived, with dreams pursued,
A journey long, with memories imbued.
Steps taken, miles crossed,
But what remains when life is lost?
Some foresee their final breath,
Others meet an unseen death.
What of the dreams that never soared,
Or the words unsaid, forever stored?
Do they linger, these unfinished tales,
In the echoes where the spirit sails?
Is there a world beyond our sight,
Where souls observe their final flight?
I ponder as I gaze afar,
Reflecting on this endless scar.
For in the end, we all must see,
The mystery of death’s decree.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Fractured Echoes

In the depths of darkness, a heart laid bare,
bound by ties that cut, unaware.
In the toxic dance of bloodline's art,
a fractured soul, a shattered heart.

Through the corridors of silent pain,
familiar echoes, a haunting refrain.
In the wreckage of familial ties,
a spirit lingers, where sorrow lies.

Yet, in the abyss, a glimmer faint,
a plea for solace, a whispered paint.
For resilience, now a distant dream,
lost in the shadows of a fractured seam.

Friday, August 18, 2023


In life's grand story, a companion's grace,
Aloha bridges years, finding its rightful place.
Through wrinkles of time and stories they have seen,
Aloha's thread weaves connections between.

A screen can't obscure the warmth of their smiles,
Aloha speaks softly across the miles.
Venerable wisdom, a treasure to share,
Aloha listens, shows it deeply cares.

In heart-to-heart whispers, aloha takes flight,
Guiding their words through day and through night.
Amidst a span of years, a bond has been found,
Aloha's sweet symphony, love's ageless sound.

With every exchange, their spirits align,
Aloha, a friend in a world so benign.
In the chapters of life, stitched by and by,
Aloha, a constant as time drifts on by.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Rising Phoenixes

Amidst ash-fill, a phoenix's flight,
with potent strength, a fearless sight.
Her scars etched deep, yet unerased,
defied the adversity she faced.

In unity, they found their grace,
emerging strong, a sisterhood's embrace.
Muted pasts now distant noise,
together they rise, they rejoice.

For behind every strong woman's voice,
a story echoes, no choice but to rise.

Friday, July 28, 2023

In the Stillness...

In the stillness of my mind,
I saw myself unchained, unbound.

In the whispers of my heart,
I found my voice.
In the trajectory of my dreams,
I made my choice.
In the realm of my soul,
I sought peace.
In the depths of my being,
I believed.

For in the stillness of my mind,
I was unchained, unbound,
A celebration of liberation, resound.