Thursday, August 29, 2024

An End

In life, one truth we cannot bend,
Death—the certain, final end.
A sudden jolt, a bitter sting,
When news of loss begins to ring.

A life well-lived, with dreams pursued,
A journey long, with memories imbued.
Steps taken, miles crossed,
But what remains when life is lost?
Some foresee their final breath,
Others meet an unseen death.
What of the dreams that never soared,
Or the words unsaid, forever stored?
Do they linger, these unfinished tales,
In the echoes where the spirit sails?
Is there a world beyond our sight,
Where souls observe their final flight?
I ponder as I gaze afar,
Reflecting on this endless scar.
For in the end, we all must see,
The mystery of death’s decree.